Elections of SERGS Council Members 2025 – 2027

All SERGS full and affiliated members with activated 2025 membership are given the opportunity to propose names of those that they feel are qualified to be nominated.
You are invited to nominate candidates for 3 vacant positions at the SERGS Council 2025-2027.
You can nominate any member of SERGS or you can stand as the candidate yourself.
The office term starts from June 2025 until June 2027 if not re-elected.
Cast your nomination by sending an email to elections@sergsmail.org.
All nominations are confidential.
Candidate requirements:
1. The candidate must be a SERGS member who holds active 2025 membership.
2. The candidate must have good command of the English language.
3. SERGS Council members are expected to work for the benefit of the Society and actively participate in activities and projects.
Candidates need to submit the following application documents by email:
+ A motivation letter for the 2025 SERGS Council Elections
+ A short CV (maximum 250 words) and photo (JPEG format)
Applications close on March 15 , 2025. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Based on the received applications, the Nomination Committee, which consists of the President-Elect, the President and the immediate Past-President, will prepare the final slate of candidates, while taking into consideration the need to balance representation of different robotic surgery specialization (benign, oncology) and geographic regions of Europe in the future Council.
Voting will be completed electronically via SERGS voting platform. Society members with voting rights will be approached to cast their vote.
The candidate who gets the simple majority of votes will be declared elected.
In the case of a tie, 2nd round with the two candidates will be prepared. All votes are confidential.
For support or information regarding the 2025 Elections, please contact us at elections@sergsmail.org.

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