The Console

“The Console” is the SERGS’s new robotic gynaecological surgery publication.

The launch of this new biannual newsletter for members of SERGS has the aim of informing
SERGS members about the activity of our society.

“The Console” can become a biannual voice
of SERGS presenting where we have been, what we are doing, and where we are going.
SERGS is growing every day and “The Console” aims to promote SERGS’s mentoring mission
and to share ideas in an environment that fosters development of life-long professional and
social relationships.

If you are a SERGS member, enjoy it!


Draw benefit from our Society’s experience and enthusiasm.
Let’s foster support, collaboration, friendship and fellowship in Robotic Gynaecological Surgery!

I am looking forward to working closely with all the members of the SERGS
family in order to achieve our goals.


Christos Iavazzo



1st issue:

2nd issue:



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